All Eticks Event organizers who are hosting a paid event use Eticks Payment Processing, as a default method for accepting payments online.

Eticks sends your payout 5 days after the completion of your event or on the custom payout schedule you choose. I.,e, Early Partial payout option can be available if agreed between Eticks and the event organizer. Your bank and location will determine how long it takes for the money to show in your account.

When does Eticks send your payout?

Your payout is sent 5 days after you complete your event (default) or on the custom payout schedule you choose:

Payout schedule Twice a week:

Thursday Payout- For the events completed on previous Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Monday Payout - For the events completed on previous Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

If your payout day falls on a weekend or holiday, your payout will start processing on the next business day.

If your event has multiple dates and times, Eticks sends the payout for each occurrence separately.

When does the payout show in your bank account?

Your bank is responsible for accepting the payout and adding it to your account. The exact time it takes to receive your payout depends on your bank. It usually takes:

Ireland: Up to 3 business days after the payout is sent

International: Up to 7 business days after the payout is sent.

What if you haven’t received the payout?

Review the reasons why your payout might be delayed or missing to understand and resolve any delays.

Payout normally arrives within 7-8 business days after you complete your event. If you haven’t received your payout, there are a few reasons it might be delayed.

- Check your email

In some cases, Eticks will send a notification when a payout is delayed. Eticks will only reach out to the owner of the account. Check the inbox associated with that account for an email from Eticks.

- Canceled and postponed events.

Eticks automatically holds your payout when you postpone or cancel your event. This gives you the ability to easily refund ticket buyers.

Canceled events: Eticks Merchant Agreement requires refunds when an event is canceled.

Postponed events: Your payout won’t process until the event takes place. If you rescheduled and completed your event but haven’t received your payout within the standard time, please submit a payout request to